Day 520 Chairs


Focus on Pep sleeping under the chair, not the pile of clothes and random items that have gathered on top of it. On a stormy, rainy night Peps will always find a warm, comfortable spot to relax. She's right in front of the baseboard heater, protected from the storm and out of the way of the household happenings. The bathroom chair might look a mess but it serves a purpose only surpassed by the bedroom chair. There's always a shirt we think we'll wear again, a jacket that isn't dirty but we don't want to hang or pants that might be worn another time or two. The only real crazy item on my bathroom chair is the pink bag hanging on the side, filled with toiletries for showering after the beach!! Yes, it's been there since the summer, ready to grab and go on a moments notice. Although, I agree, I could probably safely put it away until at least June, as I've said, I'm a horrible housekeeper. On my behalf, it reminds me of summer and for what it's worth, the bedroom chair is even worse. The bedroom chair ends up being piled with clothes I may wear again, items that I thought I'd wear but changed my mind and of course a pile or two of clean laundry that I just don't feel like dealing with. Don't worry, Tim has his own little bench in the bedroom for his items, oh, what a pair we make! One of these days I'll pretend I'm moving and go through each room, selectively keeping only what's needed. I may need to pretend I'm moving overseas since I would easily justify bringing almost everything. Fortunately, my cleaning lady is coming this week, inspiring me to pick up, clear tables, counters and put away stray items. She's worth every penny to keep me on my toes and oh boy is it nice to come home to a clean house. After all, being a horrible housekeeper doesn't mean I don't enjoy a clean house. Even in my mess, it's so nice to be warm and cozy during a storm, listening to the wind whistle and the rain pound against the windows. A good night to curl up under a chair and enjoy the luxury of home. Who knows, maybe I'll put away my beach bag before spring.... maybe. 


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