Day 527 A bears life


Waking up to a winter wonderland, snow, sleet and ice and a bit of shoveling. It would have been a wonderful day to stay home, but that wasn't in the cards for me. I enjoyed listening to the school delays or cancellations throughout the early morning, remembering childhood days when we would turn on the radio and listen, hoping to hear we'd have the day at home. Snow days don't come often but when they do they are a treat. Shoveling my driveway was a breeze since the snow was fluffy,  like powder and not more than an inch or two. I managed to finish before the sleet began, I'm sure shoveling didn't get easier as the day went on and the snow turned to slush then began to freeze. Throughout these cold winter days I'm extra happy to have my treadmill, allowing me early morning workouts before the sunrise. I've contemplated upping my run to three miles but just not sure I'll have the time each day. For now, the two miles will have to suffice but I'm happy to say it is getting easier. Not easy by any stretch but easier! My morning routine is now a host of habit stacking goals, protein & nutritional shakes, writing, running and strength training so adding shoveling snow now and then, fits right in. I'm often asked what time I wake up to get it all accomplished before leaving for work, the answer...early!! I wouldn't give up the peaceful, dark mornings for anything, it's the best time of the day and by the time I head out of the house I'm already feeling accomplished and ahead of the game. I'm also asked what time I go to bed and that answer is easy, as early as possible, especially in the cold of winter. Bears hibernate for a reason, winter is a great time to rest, rejuvenate and save our energy for the spring. I think we all wish we could hibernate for a day or two, especially on cold, wintery storm days, a bears life sounds pretty good to me!! 


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