Day 529 Centerpieces
There's nothing like a beautiful floral centerpiece to remind us of spring and warmer weather. Centerpieces are often overlooked but can pull the table together as well as add color to drab surroundings. At the end of the night centerpieces are discarded, given away to whoever made it to the end of whatever particular event or in many cases the staff who worked the event. I know this, having brought my fair share home! Seminars, speeches, dinner and drinks on a work night, not a chance I was going to take the flowers. The keynote speaker didn't begin until after 8:30pm, on Hollywood time in RI. I politely sat listening for a while, weighing the risk of staying, walking out with the masses but with flowers verses quietly sneaking out empty handed but making it home at a relatively reasonable hour. As attractive as the flowers were, they couldn't compete with the thought of my warm bed and cozy home, so empty handed I went. The dark winter nights feel so much later than whatever time the clock reads, not sure if it's the cold temps or early sunsets but I drove home feeling like a rockstar, out late on a weeknight! Tim was still awake when I arrived home and pretended he was waiting up for me, not enjoying his time alone playing computer games. The best part of the night was realizing the next wake up would be Friday...or should we say, Friyay! The long week almost behind us and happily onto the weekend!! I might even celebrate the weekend by buying myself a beautiful bouquet of flowers and making my own centerpiece.
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