Day 540 Chicken Soup for the Soul
Homemade chicken soup made and delivered by my friend Heather. I had to break it to her that Tim can't eat solid foods yet, but it was appreciated all the same. I'll be putting that her beautiful soup through the blender to see if I can puree it enough to feed Tim, before I snag a bowl for myself that is. Heather also made me a protein packed banana bread, nourishment of the sweetest kind. As nice as all the treats were, I enjoyed seeing my friends smile and having a few minutes to chat with her even more! She has always been such a solid friend to me, the kind without any BS. She's who I call when I'm hurt, knowing she'll be over in a flash and has even driven me to the ER when needed. We all need friends like that, ones who make us laugh, care for us and never give us any grief, even when we might deserve it. I could call her every day and chat or not call for months and receive the same friendly welcome, although I'm not sure I've ever gone months without calling. I love that she has extended her love to my husband, taking the time to make him soup, think of him and care for him all because he means so much to me. Heather and I sat for a while chatting, the conversation becoming all about our workouts, we're both striving for the optimum routine. I switched up my morning run to include three days a week of high interval training, two miles of timing myself through sets of speed running then walking. The HIT workout makes my days just jogging two miles seem like lazy vacation days. It's amazing how fast our bodies get use to a workout so switching things up is crucial. We both agreed that having YouTube channel allows us to access any workout we need, no excuses these days. Although her visit was short it was just what I needed, soup for the soul, the love of a true friend and a smidgen of protein all in one visit!