Day 708 Beach Chair Debacle


Hot summer nights and great friends are the perfect ingredients for a great dinner gathering. Planning Monday night dinner parties are the best way I've found to extend the far. With everyone bringing a dish the meal came together seamlessly and although some had to hustle from work, once the foggy beach air hit us any stress from real life was left behind. My friends enjoyed my fancy table setting complete with cloth napkins, tablecloth and flowers...almost as much as enjoyed setting it. I was super excited to give them the prizes that I've been working on for a few weeks, little clear bags filled with beach necessities. I had customized each bag and found some fun items for each of them. They read their notecards and looked through all the treasures with delight. The men at the table made fun of the prizes, asking Tim where their bags were??? I may have to surprise them with nonsensical gifts before the summer is over, fair is fair. It's true, women give gifts more often then men, we have no problem telling our friends how much we love them and showing it. Friends are treasures life scatters for us to find, once found it is up to us to cherish them, women appreciate this. We keep the people that feel like sunshine close at all times so the cold world never penetrates our universe. Speaking of the cold world, my big beach dilemma hit me when I went to put my chairs away, in the unspoken, unassigned, same spot I always use. I walked up whistling as I strolled along, unwittingly arriving to my chair hooks, only to find someone else's chairs in my spot....what??? I stood there for a moment, dumbfounded by the sidestep from order and found myself with no choice but to find a new location, no doubt putting my chairs on someone else's hook! I walked down to the beach to report the insanity I had encountered to Donna, who laughed at me but completely understood my anxiety. A short time later, Donna went to put her chairs away and to her surprise someone was in her spot!!! She paused a moment before reading the name on the chairs that dared to take over her unassigned location.....she smiled as she read MY name. Of course, she moved my chairs over one spot, to maintain some semblance of order and put her chairs away, in her spot. From now on I'll have an extra chair hanging at all times, a decoy chair that never moves but holds my place, maintaining order and avoiding another beach chair debacle. I suggested my decoy chair to all my friends, brilliance should always be shared. Next weekend I'll work on getting our row in order, decoy chairs in their places, clearly marking our territory and securing safety from another beach chair catastrophe of 2024. Once I get the chair situation back in order I'll have time to plan another dinner party...or two. 


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