Day 42 Home
I didn't plan on cleaning all day, but one thing led to another and there I was. The only reason I got dressed at all was to pick up a card table from a friend. When she said, "come right over" I threw on this cotton jumper and went. This little plaid, Willie Smith, dress looks a housedress in this picture but is super cute when worn with the right shoes and jewelry. So here I am, no makeup, hair not brushed mid-cleaning, kind of. I propped up my selfie stick to get this photo so really it's me fake cleaning. Tim had gone off to watch football for the day so I had the house to myself. I turned up disco music, sang, cleaned and had a fantastic day, thoroughly enjoying my alone time. I packed away more summer clothes, tended to my chickens and put away jewelry that had been dropped in my dining room all summer. My dining room buffet seems to be my drop zone when I take off jewelry and there was a plethora of it to be put away. I was happy to have all the windows open and a beautiful breeze flowing throughout the house. The air was so clean and crisp and the breeze helped carry out all the dust I stirred up. As the weather gets colder and we are inside for the winter, my future self will thank me for staying home today. Heck, I'm already thanking myself, I usually even buy myself flowers after a long day of cleaning. In the evening I vacillated between showering to go out and meet up with friends or showering, putting on my pjs and going to bed.... pjs won. There's really nothing like climbing into clean sheets after a hot shower and working all day. Home sweet, cleaner home.
If we all could look so fab cleaning house