Day 790 Free Pass?


A retirement party for my brother in law brought family out for a day of celebration. Bridie came to town solo for the adults only party, although we missed the boys it was great to have time with her. The surprise luncheon was lovely, although I'm not sure the secret had been maintained. I found myself chatting here and there amongst "family" members, cautiously, trying to avoid the outlaws within the in-laws. I have a tough time playing nice/ pretending things are ok when they're not or to like someone I don't. Let's face it, some people are toxic and seek to poison others, it's best to avoid these folks. I'm often left wondering why they seem to get a free pass to be A-holes? I intentionally tried my best to avoid getting close to the epicenter of toxicity, to the point of physically getting up and moving away, at times feeling as if the world wasn't big enough for the space required. Even with my best attempts I was accosted by negativity, unable to move away fast enough and sucked in by the vortex. I wonder if a garlic necklace would work on these individuals, they sure do resemble vampires, trying to suck all positive vibes from a space. My question of the day is why? Why is it ok for some people to openly treat others badly and those around them chalk it up to, "that's just the way they are"? So we know someone is a jerk and now we're all suppose to continue to allow their bad behavior because it's their personality??? If this is the case, should I just start calling it as I see it, calling a-holes out instead of getting up and walking away? I might be ok with folks saying, that's just how Rachel rolls...but then I'd be one of the a-holes and sadly, I'm self aware enough to know it.  One of my strongest personality traits is loyalty, I didn't realize how rare this quality was until faced with a front row seat for viewing the lack of it in others. I often brag about my fabulous friends and family and rightly so. I am blessed to have people in my life that I can count on, no matter what, people that would stand up for me against anyone and have my back at all times. I have these folks in my life because I am one of them and would never in a trillion years allow someone I love to be trashed. Not everyone you meet is kind, honest, genuine, caring or loyal, some are just plain noxious, others live as passive bystanders. I've written for over two years, always putting a positive spin on daily life....see what one day within a ten foot radius of a toxic person can do!! For a quick upbeat moment, I love this photo of Bridie and me... taken with a phone camera, isn't technology grand? She's got such a beautiful smile and certainly has good energy. I'll spend tomorrow cleansing myself from the negative energy I encountered, maybe sage my space. I might make myself a garlic and sage necklace before the next gathering... some people just suck. 


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