Day 66 Mail
Last morning in Florida, getting the last few rays of tropical sunshine and packing. An early afternoon flight is great, gives you enough time in the morning to get things done and enjoy a bit of relaxing before heading off. I had a direct flight, the only way to go, especially when the trip is only a few hours. I wore a Jude Connally dress with bright pinks and oranges and my favorite pink shoes and pearls. Once home I opened a stack of mail and within all the bills and nonsense I found the most amazing letter!! Let me backtrack a bit, remember last month when I went to Yankee Stadium to see them play the Red Sox? While attending the game I found someone's vaccination card on the ground. I picked up the card before it got kicked to the curb and lost forever. Once home I tried to look up the name on the card so I could send it back, nothing was coming up! I then read where the vaccination was given and looked up that town and the persons name. Turns out the man that dropped it works for a town in PA for the public works Dept. so I called the work number to see if I had the right person, his coworker confirmed it was him and that he had been at the game. I put the vaccination card in the mail with a little note, stating it was being returned by a Sox fan and mailed it to his work address. So, last night as I was going through my mail I noticed a card from the man I returned the card to. He send me the nicest thank you card ever, stating how he works part time for EMS and needs his card for work. He thanked me profusely for taking the time to return it to him and even said he knew that no Yankee Fan would have taken that kind of time, lol. Within the card he put a $25 Amazon gift card!! Time and time again I am reminded of how amazing people are and how small our world can be! What a wonderful note to come home to, home sweet home!
Wow! Every once in a while I hear something that restores my faith in humanity…and this is one of those times! Db