Day 71 Pizzaz
What a beautiful fall day in New England. The steady morning rain made the site of sunshine mid afternoon even sweeter. Of course, all of my errands had been done during the downpours. As I ran from one store to another I was thrilled to have invested in a fabulous pink Coach umbrella. I had to pick up ceiling and trim paint for the bedroom I'm working as well as a list of other nonsense. While at Home Depot a man told me I was wearing the wrong shoes for the day, I smiled as I told him my shoes were absolute perfection, which made a woman near us laugh with delight. It will be a sad day I take fashion advice from a disheveled man at Home Depot or anywhere else. My pink Bandolino pumps made my outfit, fabulous color, soft leather and sleek heel! The black and white, Tahari shift was a great base dress but certainly needed a bit of pizzaz. I added a light jacket from the Loft and went with pink for a pop of color, earrings, necklace, pocketbook and shoes. It was such a fun look and perfect for this time of year, my shoes handling the rain quite nicely. I met my friend for our monthly dinner date, thank goodness we get it on our calendars before life consumes us. I told her about my quest to find a home for my rooster and about all the calls and texts throughout the day inquiring about him. #SaveTheRooster seems to be a trending theme. Hopefully today I'll be able to find him a new home and get my errands done in sunshine!