Day 75 TGIF


TGIF. This was one of those weeks I found myself crawling to the Friday finish line. The earlier sunsets give less and less daylight, leaving us scrambling to get as much in as possible before dark.  After work I went straight outside, although I should have taken the time to change out of my fabulous black, Stuart Weitzman,  loafers, they clearly weren't designed for coop life! I was anxious to visit with my girls and see how they were faring without their rooster and who will be top of the pecking order now? Unlike my loafers, my bright pink dress, transitioned seamlessly from work to backyard life and added a bit of cheer. I love a pink and black color combination it's cheery and sophisticated. What enlivened me even more was a message from a friend I haven't seen in over Forty years!! She has recently moved back to town and wants to catch up.  I love hearing from old friends and can't wait to discover what she's been doing all these years. I know she is a big wig writer and has written at least seven novels that have been translated into thirty one languages...imagine that?! I'm so proud of her successes and can't wait to hear all about her life! I'm excited to tell her that I'm a writer too now.... we'll see if she's a blog reader? I'll be meeting with her for lunch tomorrow, today is a painting day for me and a day with my girls, thankful for the weekend!!  


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