Day 119 Decking the Halls

Check me out, taller than a Christmas Tree! Ok, so I found the smallest tree in the lot, it still makes me laugh. I spent the day decorating, pulling out all the holiday cheer I could muster. Tim still home on the couch, I was able to pick out a tree on my own, on a quest for the smallest one, mission accomplished.  I almost had a heart attack when I saw the price tag, $70 for a tiny cut tree!?!? Once I got it home and decorated it with lights the pain of the price tag was almost forgotten and my house glimmered with cheer.  I spent hours checking bulbs and placing lights in every window of my house. It looks amazing and is so welcoming to come home to on these early dark nights. I wore a hooded sweater dress with black tights, a sucker for punishment with those darn tights. With all my running around, chores and decorating I had no time for fancy clothes. My chickens were thrilled with all the leftovers I had brought home for them from the previous night's party. An entire bowl of lettuce was gone in a red hot minute, happy hens.....and rooster. If you've never lived with a rooster you won't understand how incredibly loud they are. They don't just crow early morning, it happens throughout the day and sometimes night. Before the sun comes up they crow nonstop until they are sure there can be no-one still asleep. It's like having a 4:30am alarm clock with no snooze button. As happy as I was to find a good home for my last rooster, not sure if that kind of luck can strike twice. This Roo might have to become dinner, sorry folks. For now he is a happy Rooster, living his best life in a hen house full of happy hens, eating well and making his voice heard, yet, all good things must come to an end. He will need a Christmas miracle to make it! I didn't stop all day, between chores, decorating, cleaning, I was exhausted by dinnertime. All the work will be worth it when I come home tonight to a glittering house and walk in to the smell of a fresh Christmas tree. As much of a summer gal as I am, this really is my favorite time of year!! 



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