Day 162 Three going on Thirty


Thank goodness it was a three day weekend since I needed an entire day to recover from the nonstop pace of the weekend. I never even got dressed all day and lounged around like a lazy person. Tim picked up take out for dinner so I could continue the serious business of daytime tv watching and inactivity. Clearly no dress photo for this pj gal. I figured it was a good day for a throw back...way back. This has always been one of my favorite photos. It was taken at my uncles wedding, a wedding I wasn't allowed to attend since I was deemed to young at the mature age of three. I may not have been allowed at the church but was cleared for the reception, little did I know at the time, I was going to the fun part. I stayed with my godmother during the ceremony, she got me dressed, putting on my fancy dress with little white gloves. It was fashion perfection in my mind and I was determined to show everyone my sophisticated demeanor. As she drove me to the reception I refused to sit down, sitting would wrinkle my beautiful dress and I wasn't going to let that happen! We didn't have carseats then so standing was allowed and I arrived wrinkle free. My sister had been the flower girl at the much older age of four!! I held her little basket of flowers showing everyone what a good job I could have done and what they were missing. She is pictured in the photo sitting behind me next to my brothers and parents. I still refused to sit and worked my pose throughout the evening making sure everyone there saw how fabulous I looked and how grown up I was. Every time I see this photo I wonder what my dad was thinking as he looked down at me, I'd guess it was along the lines of, "look out world".  I still love to dress up, show off a pretty dress and feel I'm grown up enough for anything!!!


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