Day 223 Indulging the Lazy
A pretty floral dress for a quiet Saturday at home, with no more studying, yay. Tim and I found ourselves selfishly enjoying whatever lazy afternoon indulgences we wanted and didn't take a minute of it for granted. I baked cookies, made a quick run to job lot, of course got a bit of cleaning done before lounging on the couch and watching a movie mid-day! Being the first Saturday in months with no exam prep we both have earned a day of lazy. I'd like to thank Irving Naxon, for inventing the Naxon Beanery, later known as the Crock Pot, making lazy dinners possible. I threw in my boiled dinner and ignored it until the entire house smelled of corned beef and we sat down to eat pretending someone else made us dinner. Unfortunately no-one secretly came in to clean my kitchen, can't wait until an inventor figures that one out! My choice for dress was spot on for the day, soft and cozy, perfect for a do nothing kind of afternoon, although pretty enough for a few errands. All the lazy will have to end soon, but for a day, it sure was nice.