Day 225 Weathervane?!
A Monday night get together with friends, twist my arm. My friends keep saying yes to jewelry parties and the same jewelry is showcased every few weeks at one of their houses. At the first party I bought a ring but that's it for me, now I'm just a freeloader. My friends know I'm not buying anything but invite me anyway and even with the sales portion we have a great time together. Plans were made for another night out, this time without the jewelry sales pitch. We had fun chatting about our upcoming prom and what we' might wear?? My friend Nicole already has two dresses in the running. I have no idea what I'll wear to the prom but I did enjoy showing off the fabulous Burgundy dress I was wearing. I made them all guess what store it was from....the Weathervane!! Seriously, this dress is probably older than most of our kids. If you grew up in Wakefield you know, the Weathervane was about the only place in town to get cool clothes. We had Kenyons Department Store, for old ladies, Spectrum India for hippies, Donnelly's for ultra preppy and the Weathervane for trendy styles. That was it...until later Cherry & Web came in but that was also for older women. After school my friends and I would walk to the Weathervane and dream about buying all the new clothes. Once or twice I put something on layaway that I couldn't live without and paid a few dollars each week until I paid off the fabulous piece and owned it. Just wearing a dress from the Weathervane gave me a smile and my friends a laugh. I'd guess the store closed in the late 90's, leaving us all with nothing but fun shopping memories. Kicking off the week with a girls night might be the best way to pretend the weekend isn't over, just one more night please and thank you. I'll even buy a pair of earring if I have to!!