Day 230 Yin and Yang

 Busy busy busy, scurrying around shopping, cooking and preparing a big family dinner. Table extended we all sat and enjoyed a Mexican feast with mariachi music playing in the background. I had worn this cute little, (yikes, it was short) red print dress but changed into casual clothes before everyone arrived. Staying in with family sometimes calls for sweatpants and on a cold, rainy evening it was heaven. Our family gathering wasn't complete, it's tough to get everyone together, but we were lucky to have all four of our grandsons here at once. Tim isn't a big helper when prepping for dinner, but he's always thankful of my entertaining skills so that's something. He was telling me one of his internet stories about a women that prepped food and drinks for her husband and his friends and the Internet went crazy accusing her of putting women back into the 50's. I think it's sad that people would hate on someone for doing something nice for someone else, gender irrelevant. We all bring unique skills to the table and relationships are all about our skill sets hopefully complimenting one another. I could never sit and read nonsense on the internet so fortunately,  I have Tim to keep me up to speed with all the current gossip. I enjoy my party prep without someone trying to help, and Tim accommodates that with ease. All kidding aside, Tim has a list of household projects outside of my skill set that he works on without my help. He's the Yin to my Yang 💖 so together we seem to manage it all. 


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