I find it funny that some days I look back with amazement at how good my photo looks then there are days my photo doesn't do my dress justice. This was one of those days. I wore a super cute J Crew short sleeved dress that was bright and cheery, although I had to wear a coat all day to keep warm. I loved this dress, the shoes, the earrings you can't really see how fabulous it was, oh well. I had my grandsons for the evening so of course there was a visit to the baseball field for practice. Both boys are super busy with school work, hockey, baseball, music etc. raising well rounded kids sure does keep you on the move. I still marvel at how big the boys are, my oldest grandson towering over me now at only 12 yrs old. I also marvel at how lucky I am to be a grammy, especially one that gets to spend so much time with my grandsons. I have always said that being a mom is the greatest joy but being a grammy is the cherry on top! The fact that I had my children so young also made me a young grammy and I can only hope to report in years to come how much I adore being a young great grammy....not that I'm rushing it, just hope I live to see it. I hope to be in a fabulous dress, sitting in my rocker with kids all around me.... chocolate on their faces, dirty feet from playing outside, bringing me treasures from the backyard... not a bad dream. They say watching your grandchildren helps you live longer... let's cross our fingers this is true. I'm ready for many more years with them and thrilled to be able to watch them grow up, even if it does happen too fast.