Day 302 When in Rome
Another cold New England Day in RI. I wore this pretty print dress but admit I had a coat on most of the day...freezing! I was cold, cranky and tired, a triple header being the perfect make up for a rough day. Fortunately Tim and I had a meeting with Holly, our travel agent to go over our trip itinerary. Dreaming of our honeymoon changed my cranky mojo. We're deciding on what excursions to take at each port location and wow are there a lot of options! Tim and I agreed on visiting the Coliseum in Rome, kind of must see when visiting Rome, although we both passed on visiting the Vatican.....bunch of heathens! We have lots of decisions to make and lots of reading to do. I figure now instead of interesting factoids Tim can tell me all about each option while I fix dinner. I'm interested in seeing flamenco dancers in Spain, he's looking to visit the village his grandfather lived in while we're in Italy. We may need to fight for our top picks, but I'm sure we will figure it all out. It sure is a fun problem to have on these cold days! All kidding aside, Tim and I travel well together and enjoy seeing things that are important to each other...with minimal grumbling. Speaking of grumbling, we've both been complaining about the amount of pollen on our cars, holy cow! I was again a #1 wife and washed his car for him before work....yes that was me outside in my pj's washing a car at 6am. I washed mine too, although I knew that washing them both I was doing a rain dance, sure enough an hour later it started to sprinkle. It's a good thing we were able to spend the evening dreaming about new adventures, fabulous entertainment and of course, warm weather.