Day 320 Mountain Laurel
Back at the beach for a night on the deck with friends. Ok, so it turned into a night inside the club due to weather but it was still a night at the beach. Even in the rain its beautiful to sit and listen to the ocean waves and with all the rain we've been having we might as well embrace it. I wore this pretty flower print faux wrap dress with super fun slit bell sleeves and white sandals, ready for wherever we landed on our Friday night. My favorite feature of this dress is the little snap at the neckline. Wraps can be tricky for not revealing more bust than wanted, this tiny little snap allowed for the perfect amount of concealment. We enjoyed delicious snacks as we sat chatting with our friends. I told my friend Donna all about the beautiful Mountain Laurel on the Duval Trail, suggesting she check it out since it's five minutes from her house. She laughed at the suggestion saying she was happy to just look at my photos....what??? I may need to ride over to her house and kidnap her for a hike, I know she'd thank me for it once there. Some things need to be seen in real life, sunrises, whales, peak foliage, seriously the list goes on and now I'm adding Mountain Laurel to it. Each tiny little white flower has about ten perfectly symmetrical pink lines within them with a burst of pink in the center... it's really a spectacle of natural outdoing itself and you can't appreciate all that from a photo. Donna's safe today, since it will be raining but if the sun comes out tomorrow she might as well throw her sneakers on a wait for her abduction....isn't that what friends are for??