Day 427 Civitavecchia


Woke up in the beautiful Roman port of Civitavecchia with plans to relax by the pool all day, not a chance! We grabbed a bus into town and spent the morning walking through the seaside town, taking in every bit of it. Along the shore we found this statue of the famous photo taken the day WWII was accounted over. Absolutely no idea why it’s here but, wow does it make a statement! We meandered through the town and stopped for pizza before heading back to the ship. As we made our way back we passed stunning forts and fortresses along the coastline. We enjoyed our afternoon by the pool, basking in the sun and resting up before heading out to dinner and of course more live music. Tim is a man on fire with all the nightlife but two minutes on any bus and he’s asleep. He’ll need all the rest he can get before our big day in Rome. Happy for a moment of quiet we settled on our balcony to take in the sunset, happy to have this stunning view from our room. Italy so far has been amazing, great food, nice people and breathtaking seaside views. Once we’re home I’ll try to figure out why this statue was here, for now, I’ll just enjoy having the chance to see it. Onwards to Rome! 


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