Day 452 Hocus Pocus


Each year I buy a variety of Halloween candy knowing the chances of getting a trick or treater are slim to none. Not sure if it's optimism or my love of sweets that drives my continued holiday candy purchase but it never fails. After all, there are worse problems then having left over candy aren't there? Todays tick or treaters seem to only like the neighborhoods where they can get the biggest bang for their buck, can't really blame them but something new homeowners might want to take into consideration. I have friends in large neighborhoods that count hundreds of kids on Halloween night, stark comparison to my house, on a Main Street that has none.  I think in order to get any visitors I'd really need to provide lots of fan fair, decorative displays and hocus pocus, otherwise, why bother for one or two measly candy bars? Maybe next year I'll conduct an experiment, go all out decorating and see if it helps. Not that I should be complaining, without the little ones knocking on the door we're able to have a quiet night and early bedtime, but what's so great about peace and quiet anyway? This is also that time of year I pull out my winter clothes and realize there may have been an over indulgence of food and drinks over the summer season. Time to trim down, if I start now I have a fighting chance of looking decent and being in shape by next spring! But wait, that bowl of candy is calling, what's a gal to do? My dad use to always say, "everything in moderation, including moderation" and I couldn't agree more! I have no doubt he's smiling down on me as I eat my dinner of Reeces & Baby Ruth, washed down with a glass of wine. Isn't being a grown up fun?


  1. I’m shocked no trick or treaters! I would think you’d have tons! Great seeing you now we need to get together!! CC

    1. I never get any! Give me a call to plan a get together.


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