Day 470 Psycho


"Is your house always this clean"? Words I never thought I'd hear from anyone entering my home but there I stood last night, in my living room, with a friend, as she said it. The words made me laugh out loud as I imagined all the clutter and closets filled to the brim, how did she not see the candlesticks and vases with no home that are stored on top of my buffet? As she looked around she smiled at all my wonderful family photos, cool artwork and unique tchotchke. My house is always clean, underneath all my stuff but some people see lots of knick knacks as messy. After saying our goodbyes I began my evening chores, dishes at the top of the list. Tim is fairly good about putting his dishes into the dishwasher but somehow has not mastered the desired placement. People often defend him when he shares that I rearrange the dishes after he puts them in, how could I not? Who's the psycho, the person that rearranges or the person that puts a bowl in standing upright? He has tried to defend this insane placement by pointing out that water shoots from the top as well as the bottom of the machine. Ok, so the clean, soapy water will blast into the bowl, leaving a bowl full of soapy water!?! Oh well, at least he's feeling good enough to be up and about messing with my program again. Someone suggested that he might do these things purposely to grind my gears but I know that's not true. He may be a psycho when it comes to dishes but he's not antagonistic, certainly would never welcome trouble! All in all he follows my lead when it comes to the house. Although, he still agues we don't need a cleaning lady twice a month, he even asked if instead we could just lower our standards of cleanliness? Having had my friend ask if our home is always this clean, words I never thought I'd hear, tells me I made the right choice calling in a bit of help! After all, as much as I try, I somehow can't do it all and those darn cobwebs are built in record speed in an old house! 


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