Day 478 Backyard

 I often brag about where I live, this beautiful sculpture is one more reason for my boasting. Somehow the grass always seems greener in our neighbors yard (in my case that's actually true) we travel to see historic landmarks but often overlook them when right under our noses. Tim and I have been walking a bit and as we walk I've been giving him local history lessons, I'm sure he's delighted with my factoids! We walked up to this sculpture, a stones throw from our front door. Instead of walking right by it, as most do, we stood for a moment, taking in with awe, its marvel and beauty. The sculpture was commissioned by Caroline Hazard to honor her father and brothers. The artist was non other than Daniel Chester French, best known for creating the Lincoln Memorial, imagine that! I think it's a very big deal that we have such an amazing piece of art right here in our own backyard and am amazed that this little factoid is not well known. Tim either enjoyed my little history lesson or has perfected his acting skills for attentive listening, either way his efforts were appreciated. Our town has recently commissioned a new statue to commemorate our 300th anniversary, makes me wonder how quickly it will become part of our landscape, seen but not always viewed fully? I love that my community strives forward, new art, honoring our history while bringing in new ideas and creating lasting icons.  From one vantage point you can stand and see both statues, starkly different but equally important. I bet Tim can't wait for our next history walk....oh the places we'll go, right here at home! It's amazing what can be found right in your own backyard if you stop and take a look around. 


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