Day 539 Stories
Tim and I were happy as clams at home, not even the rain could dampen our spirits. He lounged, watching tv while I prepped snacks for the week. He's on a liquid diet for a couple weeks so meal prep is interesting. It's not clear liquids so as long as I can blend it, whip it and avoid any stress on his digestive process it's ok. Fortunately, he's already accustomed to the morning protein shake I've been making him, drinking whatever I hand him without complaints. I've been making a blend of protein powder, banana and a couple scoops of peanut butter, giving him 40 grams of protein and lots of vitamins. Oddly enough the hospital had been feeding him pudding and cream of wheat, neither of which I consider liquid but glad they are included for a bit of variety. I prepped two flavors of jello along with chocolate and vanilla pudding, packaging them all into individual small cups with lids. Every instinct I have as a caregiver is to cook and bake healthy and or delicious foods for my patient, making this experience is as tough for me as it is Tim...ok, maybe not as tough but still, not easy. He's moving around well and we're both excited to have him on the road to recovery. This final surgery was to remove the ileostomy bag and connect the J pouch that was created during the first surgery. Everything seems to be working well, the liquid diet allows it all to have a chance to heal without the stress of solid foods. By the time beach weather comes, he'll look as good as new, with a few more scars and a much slender physique. The beach seems to be our barometer for peak physical shape, everyones gold standard target, one more good reason to enjoy four seasons! Imagine the pressure of beach weather year round, always having to be in your top physical form and very best shape, pressure! No guilt lounging about on our quiet Sunday at home on a wintery, rainy, cold day... beach weather is months away. Thankfully, we have all winter and spring to work on those beach bodies! If I were Tim I'd be working on a great story for all my new scars, coming up with something outrageously interesting. As Mark Twain said, "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story".