Day 630 Sunday Beach Bliss
After a late night, a quiet day at the beach is just what the doctor ordered. Of course I was inside the beach club watching the ocean, but even from behind the glass I could hear the crashing waves and soak in the sunshine. My friends and I played a few rounds of Mahjong, we're all feeling as if we've mastered the game enough to play alongside seasoned players without apologizing for our rookie skills. After our gameplay I was all business as I ran a Derby Hat making workshop for the folks at my club that were interested in creating their own masterpiece. I love putting together fabulous derby hats and am always eager to see my friends expand their horizons and wear something slightly outside their comfort zones. All the hats came out amazing, each one different from the next, capturing each persons unique style. I haven't put my hat together yet, it's finished in my mind so now it's just a matter of making it happen. I have ordered a few small items to complete my outfit and can't wait to pull it all together. Did I mention how much I love to play dress up??? I'm fortunate to have a husband that plays along and enjoys it almost as much as I do. I've been eyeing the forecast and the weather for derby day is calling for sunshine and temps in the sixties, perfect for an afternoon beach side party. My friends were all chatting about what appetizer they'd be bringing to the party and I couldn't jump in and share. My food will match my outfit and I hate to give anything away before showing it all off. Why is it the weekend seems to go by in a minute??? Sunday night reality check sent me to bed early, a much needed early bedtime after staying up so late with friends. A fresh, new, week ahead, instead of dreading Mondays I like to view them as mini fresh starts, reset and go after whatever it is we're chasing. For me, I'll be chasing pulling my dress up outfit together, getting my house picked up before my cleaning lady arrives and welcoming my Connecticut friend back to RI. I believe its going to be a great week and imagine I'll be back at the beach before the end of it.
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