Day 669 Colored Lights and Rainy Days


A rainy day kept me from all my outside projects, not that I minded the rest! I visited one of my all time favorite venues, The Squantum Association, scoping it out for an event I'm organizing for next year. I don't think it's going to be selected, but it's always good to check out at least three venues before picking one. If you've never seen this amazing place, click the link and check it out, it's spectacular. The main building was even scouted for the HBO series the Guilded Age, although didn't end up being used for the series, they shot in all the Newport Mansions instead. One big downside of this venue now is having to travel over the Washington Bridge, which was declared unsafe this year and will need to be completely rebuilt. It looks like the bridge will negatively affect traffic for years to come. I may end up picking a place closer to home, why not at least make my commute easier? Tim and I had a quiet evening at home, looking out at the rain and all the projects waiting to be finished. He's busy changing the outside lighting so we can have different color lights, weird but he loves it. I can't say much, I'm sure he quietly questions lots of my projects as well but doesn't say a word. If colored lighting makes him happy then I'll give it a go. Thankfully, the weather will be taking a turn, giving us a few sunny days to get things done. I'm hoping to have most of my outdoor projects done by the end of the weekend, then I better move inside for a day or two! I can't wait to have a cookout with all the kids, make s'mores, play yard games and feel my bare feet in the grass. If I get one great day with family my work reward ratio will be tipped in the right direction. Gearing up for 4th of July, I even bought a Corn Hole game, nothing says America like a cookout with Corn Hole! 


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