Day 693 Rainy day projects

 Some days are made for fun while others seem built for projects. Waking up to rain with a forecast for more of the same, I decided to get a jump start on a room renovation. Getting married a second time is wonderful but now Tim and I have two houses requiring double the work. We will be busting our butts to get one of the  houses ready for new tenants next month, cleaning, painting and new flooring needed. I started in the smallest room, a bedroom or a perfect little office space. I set to work  removing the brown carpet that must have been installed in 1976...yuck. I primed the entire room, ceiling, walls, woodwork before applying the first coat of crisp white ceiling paint and working my way onto the white trim paint,  the walls,  new floor and new white outlet covers will be the final touches. Painting closets is always a chore but I did it, who looks at the closet ceiling anyway? I'm leaning towards a light grey for the walls, but will decide when I see the hundreds of little paint samples, most likely selecting one based on its name. I love a transformation and counting on this little room to be my inspiration for getting the rest of the house up to speed. I'll need as much inspiration as I can get, once I feel the muscle burn from painting the ceiling! Like me, my mother can't resist a project and joined me for the afternoon, paint brush in hand. She set to work, touching up the bathroom woodwork before working her way into the tiny room with me and taking on the closet door. She's an amazing painter so I was glad for her help and company. Tim has no painting skills and wasn't feeling well so was off the hook, I'll put him to work another day. The next month will be a busy one with all the renovations needed but since we don't want to give up too many beach days, we'll watch the forecast closely and work double-time when it rains. A few weeks ago I promised I was almost done with projects.... what was I thinking??? 


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