Day 407 Rebel Yell


With my reunion coming up I've been taking some time to go through old school pictures. If there's one photo you can't ignore, its your senior picture, I wish someone had warned me! I remember throwing on a white shirt with shorts, flip flops, no jewelry and driving to the high school gym on a hot summer day to get my portrait taken. I even remember my grandmother who was visiting from Maine let me borrow her brand new Volvo to run into town for my appointment. Everyone in my class had a set time, all of maybe ten minutes to go inside our school gym, sit and get a handful of photos taken. I wasn't wearing any makeup, no frills and when the photo was snapped I never imagined It would be starring back at me forty years later! Today's senior portraits have gotten fancy with professional photographers and amazing locations. My high school senior photos weren't even in color!! No, I'm not a million years old, color photos existed, I think the thought was, black and white were more timeless. As I look through my yearbook I smile at all the young faces and can't wait to see everyone soon. Everyone looks the same, aged but the same, smiles don't change, personalities are set, it's just a few added wrinkles and new hairstyles. I'm sure I'll be posting more old pictures as I dig them up from the archives and torturing everyone with trips down memory lane. I might even have to give a Rebel yell out to my classmates to dig out any old pictures they have and bring them to our reunion. SKHS is the home of the Rebels and the Rebel yell is kind of our thing, not even forty years can change that! 


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