Day 732 Secret Pathway


When Tim and I see this overgrown walkway, he's determined to trim and cut down branches while I love it, seeing only a secret pathway. We're a great example of Yin and Yang I suppose, in more ways than shrubbery. As we clean out the house, it's clear we work in differently, each having a clear order in which tasks should be done. We see items through different lenses, each placing measures of value, usually opposing the other. Tim remembers what he paid for each item, understandable. I see resale value, possibly after all my thrifting, making most things a dime a dozen. A good lesson for us as consumers, 95% of what we buy will end up in the landfill, sooner rather than later. Certain items for whatever reason are selected as treasures, reminding us of a distant memory that brings us happiness, or reminds us of someone.  It's impossible to look at a material item and appreciate the importance it has to another person. It's human nature to place emotional value onto material items, silly, but we all do it. Cleaning is easy when there's no attachment involved, removing all the price tags and sentimentality complicating the task. I've been trying my best to remember this as we go through Tims belongings, piling them up for him to sort through, as we pack up some things and discard others. The house is beginning to look fantastic, still more work ahead but we're well on our way. My daughter in law spent the afternoon with me, scrubbing windows, washing screens and walls. Seriously, if you have a smoker inside a house, the walls permeate nicotine. My mom came by to help for a couple hours, although, having already been at it all morning and afternoon I was almost out of steam by the time she arrived. My legs are reminding me each night of how many times I climb up and down the stairs while working, getting a better workout than I could have ever anticipated. I'll be shifting to painting projects, giving my legs a much needed break, time for my shoulders to get involved painting ceilings. Soon enough the house will be finished, clean and crisp, ready for a new family while Tim and I will have to begin working here at home.... inspired by the cleanup. We'll give ourselves a few weeks off first, rest up and give our bodies a break before hitting our shed and closets.  hopefully I'll be as willing to toss items, I may need to channel that non emotional vibe when looking through my wardrobe. The results of tossing items we don't need/use or want will give us the much needed space for all of our treasures. Hopefully, trimming the shrubbery is on hold for a while, I want to enjoy my secret pathway a bit longer.  


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