Day 749 The horseshoe
Another perfect day at the beach, summer isn't over yet! I was first to claim our spot on the sand, no surprise there. I watched as the regular bunch arrived claiming their respective spots with two groups sitting in completely unexpected locations like lunatics. My friends knew right where to find me, down the path to the left...I'm sane so never deviate. I sat alone for an hour or two, watching the seagulls catch their breakfast of crabs with others joining in to fight over them once they were on the shore. There were more boats on the water than I've seen all summer, everyone is trying to make the most out of these last few weekends of sunshine. As my friends arrived our horseshoe shaped spot grew bigger and bigger, with everyone maintaining the integrity of its shape. Tim arrived too late to claim a spot next to me, but since we were the last two on the sand, he moved closer at the end. What a joy it is to sit on the beach with friends, chatting about nonsense, laughing and acting as if non of us have a care in the wonder it's hard to leave! I may not have gotten much accomplished this weekend other than relaxing, but holy cow was it needed. I'm so thankful Mother Nature was kind enough to give me two perfect beach days, save the rain for the week! I'm still trying to figure what I'll make for next weekends signature appetizer party, narrowing it down and will hopefully finalize my plans soon. Thank goodness I have that Walmart grocery delivery on standby, it will make ordering all the ingredients easy for whatever recipe I select, who the heck has time to shop?? As the summer creeps to a close, I realize I still haven't tried stand up paddle boarding, something I've wanted to try for a few years. I sat watching a couple of folks in the water giving it a go, giving me food for thought. One of the people seemed to be nailing it, while the other couldn't stand up to save his life. It didn't look like he was having much fun, falling each and every time he attempted to stand. The other person paddled around him with ease, with what I hope were encouraging words. Ocean paddling may not be where I'll try it, maybe in a calm pond or slow moving river...maybe I'll save all that for next year. This year I'll continue to sit myself on the beach, watching my seagulls and eating chips with my friends. Fingers crossed for a couple more great weekend days of summer and a horseshoe of friends in the sand.
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