Day 788 Autumn Gal


Embracing the season with fun fall activities. My friend, CJ invited us to attend a customer appreciation festival, with all the seasonal bells and whistles. We wandered through a corn maze, rode a hay ride through the woods, enjoyed camp fires, hot dogs and ran into tons of friends. I had to snap a photo with my childhood friend, Jeff who happens to also be Libby's brother as well as my Melissa's cousin. I don't see he and his wife, Jolene often, but it's always fun to catch up when the stars align. Tim wasn't so sure about going to the fall festival with me and as we walked in proclaimed it would be his last year.... (Yeah, right). When the season changes, it's best to embrace it fully and enjoy the perks of living in New England...we're so lucky, not everyone has an opportunity to get lost inside a large corn maze! Seriously, when I say lost, I'm not even kidding. If you've never tried your luck at a maze, it's harder than you'd imagine (and not really as much fun as you might think). You start walking, thinking, "how hard can it be?" until you find yourself in the middle, totally disoriented by the identical tall corn stalks surrounding you and the only thing you can do is continue walking, aimlessly until you finally find your way out. Tim and I went into the maze with our friends Heather and Steve, so at least we had great company during our meandering. I had talked our group into the hay ride, Steve begrudgingly agreed but countered with me having to do the corn there we were. The funny thing about fall events, they wrap up when the sun goes down so by 7pm we were headed home. Tim and I arrived home to find a large package waiting for us at the front door, contents including my new fall themed front door mat, now all I need are a few pumpkins! Once I get all my Autumn decor out it will be time to switch over to Christmas, the countdown comes fast. Before I begin decking my halls, there's so much more fall fun to be had and I want to experience it all. Halloween costumes in the making, party RSVP's in the mail, tickets purchased for events, trying my best to not miss the warmth of summer! It's about time to pull out all my winter pants, skinny jeans are so summertime and I'm an autumn gal now. 


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