Day 866 Love Language


The first snow of the season brings with it a feeling of magic and endless possibility. The forecast had called for rain but by noon the sky was filled with scattered flakes that became steady by mid day. All eyes were plastered to the window to watch the snow come down and cover everything with a cold dusting of clean white powder. I had skipped out on my day early to meet Bridie and the boys and made it home before them by two minutes. The boys came running inside with all the excitement you'd expect for little ones days away from Christmas. They did a B-line for the tree where they quickly found a Jurassic park play set, staged just for them and began playing without hesitation. More gifts were opened and as wrapping paper flew I was finally able to place the furry, emotional support chicks and nuggets into the boys little hands. Thankfully, they seemed to be worth the trouble I had gone through to order them and will be well loved. There's something extra cozy about being together, next to a warm fire on a snowy evening. I had a bit of baking to do in the kitchen, trying to prep for party and was joined by Timmy who was eager to help. There's not much better than the help of a three year old in the kitchen, or anywhere else. He set to work and followed instructions to a T, dipping pretzels into frosting & sugar before carefully placing each one onto wax paper. He sat working with me until each tiny pretzel was finished then selected one to eat, sat back and admired his work. Bridie and Greg have another party to attend in Mass so will be missing ours and are having a bit of FOMO, as they admire all the party preparation. I still have lots to do before I'll be ready, but things are coming together nicely. As beautiful as the snow has been, I'm glad it arrived a day before my party...Mother Nature always sees to have my back! I can't wait to see my friends arrive, bringing holiday smiles, Christmas cheer and filling the house with love and laughter. All year long I say how lucky I am to have such wonderful friends, a good party is my way of showing them...parties must be my love language. 


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