Day 895 A Community of Support


Saturday afternoon fundraiser at my Elks Lodge, lending my support and visiting with some of my favorite folks. I can always count on a big welcome, broad smile and tight hug from my friend John, of course, I had to answer where on earth I've been lately! After commiserating over how dark and cold the days are and how much we need sunshine, we settled on chatting about how lucky we are to have such an amazing community. The spaghetti supper had been planned for one of our Elks bartenders, who's apartment building burned down a few weeks ago. She lost everything she owned in the fire, but thankfully she and her son got out safely. The Elks community steps up for anyone in need and when it's one of our own, everyone goes above and beyond to help. I'm not sure yet how much money was made with the fundraiser, but guessing it will be north of 20 thousand, not a bad shot in the arm to get her back on her feet. John and I always enjoy chatting about fundraising ideas, he has a foundation for his late son  and hosts an event each year. His 5 year old son was murdered back in 1975, a crime that changed the fabric of our community forever. SK locals will never forget the horrific events, will continue to honor Jason's memory and show love, respect and kindness to his family. Every time I chat with John I'm in awe of his strength, positive outlook and ability to love people, especially after coming face to face with evil. When bad things happen, unspeakable things at times, having a community of support rallying around you must matter. Tim and I are always in attendance to lend our support at fundraising events, especially those to help neighbors in distress. I hope to never be on the receiving end of one such events, but there's comfort in knowing if ever needed, I could count on my friends and neighbors to step up and help. SK is a strong community, filled with lifelong connections and friendships that are there to help us all when we need it most. No wonder I love my little town, it's filled with the best people, together we're stronger than any adversity or tragedy that comes our way. 


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