Day 937 Echos of Motherhood
Still not feeling well; it's day five now of what i found out is COVID. I wouldn't have even tested if it weren't for the telltale symptoms that began to appear. I had thought it was just a touch of the flu or a bad cold, like half the state has right now, but when I completely lost my sense of smell, I realized it must be COVID. Not that there's any difference really, just a fancy name for a virus. I can't recall if this is the third or fourth time I've had the COVID virus, but each time it seems to come on quickly and thankfully only last about a week.
Although I've had the virus a few times, this is the first time I've lost my sense of smell, and holy cow, is it strange! I figured something was off when Tim made dinner and appeared in front of me with a plate of food that I hadn't even smelled cooking! As I sat there eating, I couldn't smell a thing-strange sensation to eat a hot meal without smelling at all. I have no idea how long this symptom lasts, but I'm looking forward to smelling again, hopefully soon.
I've been lounging around like a lazy blob, letting my body heal and rest as needed. I decided to turn on a Godzilla movie, which use to be a go-to movie when my oldest son was little and not feeling well, and all my kids watched them a million times. Somehow, Godzilla was a comfort movie in our household. Of course, each of my kids had their own go-to sick must watch; Sister act was my daughters favorite, Rambo: First Blood my older son's and my youngest enjoyed Rugrats. But we all enjoyed watching the old Godzilla movies-Godzilla versus every monster, the black-and-white classics with bad lip-syncing, which somehow made them even more entertaining. Channeling echos of motherhood, I threw on one of those old films and relaxed as if I had my three kids at the other end of the couch, just like old times.
Of course, Tim was not as interested in my Godzilla movie and confessed that he's never seen even one! What?! Shocked, I questioned if this was because he's a "girl dad", but wait...he had a childhood, didn't he??? I'm fairly certain I watched Godzilla before I was ten years old, didn't everyone? I explained to Tim that my kids and I have watched all of the classic movies, multiple times and to prove it we could ask my daughter what her favorite would be. I predicted she'd say it was Godzilla Verses Mothra where they chant a "Mother-er-i-a" song. Minutes after the question was texted a return text came back from my daughter, stating her favorite one was the one with the moth where they sing that "Mother-er-i-a" song. We both had a good laugh at how well we both knew what answer would come back.
I suppose when we're not feeling great, going back to those moments that made us feel better is exactly what's needed to recharge. Watching those old creature features brings echoes of motherhood and memories of my greatest joys- those quiet moments with my kids, the silly movies that brought us all together, and the laughter that made everything feel a little bit better. It's strange how the simplest things, like a monster movie from the past, can remind you of the little pieces of life that bring you comfort and happiness during times when you're feeling down.
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