Day 941 Read the room


As the days slowly stretch longer and the temperatures creep into the low 50s, tiny white blossoms are beginning to push their way through the soil, offering a hopeful glimpse of spring’s arrival. It’s a reminder that even in the midst of sickness and being stuck in the house, life continues to unfold around us. Though I spent most of my day lounging in my pajamas (yes, the same ones I’ve been in for days), I did manage to step outside and tend to my chickens. It’s a small but important task I’ve been holding onto while recovering. While outside, I couldn’t help but pay close attention to the flowers making their debut.

For us New Englanders, this time of year is a bit of a tease. The occasional warm days have us thinking that winter’s grip is loosening, but we know better. I’m fully aware that these bursts of warmth are often followed by a snowstorm or a cold rain—classic New England weather. But it’s hard not to get swept up in the promise of what’s to come, despite the inevitable cold fronts lurking in the distance.

Today marks a week of being home sick, and it’s hard not to feel like life has moved on without me. I have to admit, though, if I had to get sick, the end of February through the beginning of March isn’t a bad time to be down. COVID, while certainly a nasty bug, feels a lot like a bad cold or a mini flu. And the silver lining? Once you’ve had it, you're immune for about six months—so as we roll into spring and summer, I’m planning to fully enjoy the warmer days without worrying about being sick.

While I’ve started to feel slightly better, I’m still not well enough to get dressed or do anything too ambitious. Tim and I had plans to see a band this weekend, and to my surprise, he asked if I was still up for going. Now, I love my husband dearly, but sometimes he has a unique way of gauging the ability to "read the room".  It’s 6 p.m., and I’m heading to bed, still wearing the same pajamas I’ve had on for days, un-showered, and barely able to move from the bed to the couch. Oh, Tim. As much as I’d love to be out and about, dancing and having a good time, I’ll be aiming for simpler goals, like showering and getting dressed, as my loftiest accomplishments this weekend.

But life goes on, and so do the little joys that keep me going. I’ve been keeping a close eye on my eagle family, who are weathering a snowstorm with the calm assurance of parents tending to their young. It was snowing heavily, but the babies remained safe and warm under their parents’ watchful eyes. One eagle brought a fish for the family, and I watched as small pieces were torn off and fed to the little ones. I noticed a small hole in the third egg.. we could be expecting another eaglet any day now? I’m so invested in their little world, I might set up my iPad to stream their nest, just to make sure I don’t miss anything while watching television or other nonsense.

While I might not be dancing or out at a concert this weekend, I'm thankful for the simple things—the return of spring, the comfort of home, and the joy of witnessing nature unfold. Hopefully, by next week, I’ll be back to my old self, but for now, I’m content to rest, recover, and enjoy these small, beautiful moments.

Here's to health, warmth, and the start of a new season ahead!


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