Day 26 Spectacular

Now that's a dress! The colors in this Lilly Pulitzer dress are amazing, it's 100% soft cotton, just perfect for a September summer night. The blue at the bottom was about a foot longer. Luckily, when I had it hemmed some of the blue stayed in sight. The teal bracelet and sunglasses worked perfectly with this maxi and the casual Jimmy Choo flip flops gave it a more laid back vibe. You can't really see the earrings, but I wore amazing blue, Kate Spade, large flower earrings (I knew they were there). Yesterday began by bringing Tim for a Colonoscopy (I'm sure he'll love me sharing that). After his procedure we stopped to eat at an IHop, a first for me. I guess  these restaurants are all over the country, not sure why I've never eaten at one? The afternoon was consumed by washing carpets and caring for my patient. Carpet cleaning is certainly a rewarding project, dumping out all that gross water gives you a clear view of your hard work. People that have you take your shoes off in their homes have the right idea!! I had waited to put on my dress until the evening, but wish I had worn this dress all day! Thankfully Tim rested up all afternoon while I cleaned carpets, and was feeling better by last night's beach club party. It was a cool night at the beach and the long sleeves on my dress were appreciated! This dress is spectacular!  


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