Day 50 Grammy
After a long weekend taking Monday off was just what the Dr. ordered! One of my grandsons was home as well so came over to spend the morning with me. We fed my chickens, chatted and went for a walk, where he snapped this photo of me. He is mildly entertained by the fact that his grammy writes a blog and thinks I'm pretty cool, how lucky am I?? He's now taller than me and not yet twelve years old. Grandchildren are just about the greatest gift in the entire world and Tim and I are blessed with four of them, all boys! This bright Lilly Pulitzer shift dress with a bold flower print was my grammy dress for the day. Our mental images of old Grandmothers changes as we become them! My grandmother was quite fashionable in her time, although from a kids perspective she wore old lady clothes. Maybe I do too now and just don't know it?!? Well, either way, I loved this outfit and am proud to be a grandmother, even if it means I'm old and wear old lady clothes. Later in the day I picked up my mother and went thrift shopping, yes, I found a couple fabulous dresses! We stopped at the Haversham for dinner on our way home and had wonderful conversation and the best Lobster Macaroni and cheese. I do believe dining out and shopping go hand in hand, shopping can be both exhilarating and exhausting. By the time I got home the day was just about done, seems I had packed in as much living in a day off as possible. Time is our most valuable commodity, it's important we use it wisely and the wisest way for me is when it's spent with grandchildren.