Day 77 Peachy


That's a wrap! The room is done, well, the hard part anyway. All that's needed now is decorating and putting the fun parts together. I love the peach color on the walls and with white bedding it will be a perfect little guest room. While  up to my neck in manual labor, my friend texted me to show me my photo in Rhode Island Monthly Magazine, from a fundraiser I went to in August. Not only was there a picture of Tim and I but also a great photo of my daughter, son in law and their friends. how exciting for us all to be in the magazine on the same page! As I painted, vacuumed and moved furniture I had to question why I was still doing such brute work, considering my new level of fame!?! I quit working in time to shower, change and meet my friend for lunch. Since I loved the sweatshirt dress so much yesterday, I went with a similar one today. This black sweatshirt dress from the Gap was perfect for a lunch date, remember, my big wig author friend that just moved back to town? We had such a great time catching up and filling each other in on the past forty years. There was clearly too much ground to cover in one lunch so another visit or two will be needed to get each other up to speed. She is as beautiful as I remember her and I am thrilled to have her back in town. Of course I told her I was a writer now too, and to my surprise, she has read my blog and likes it! You might be able to see my head swell as you read that! After a fantastic lunch I stopped to pick up Junior Mints for Tim, he seems to be going through a Junior Mint phase, apparently it's a thing. As I was checking out I told the cashier about Tims addiction and was assured it's really a phenomenon, the cashier had gone through a similar phase this summer, Who knew?  I'm feeling like a pretty big deal, painter, writer, golfer and Junior mint supplier, all that on top of being magazine famous.... is there anything I can't do! 


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