Day 100 Holy Cow!!
Day one hundred, holy cow! Had I been paying attention I would have worn a fancier dress for the monumental day. Instead I dressed with warmth and comfort in mind, it was twenty degrees out and I was feeling crappy after having my flu shot. I have been religious about getting the shot every year since my youngest son was born. He was a preemie so the Dr. told me to make sure everyone in my family got the shot to protect him from getting sick. So, here I am thirty two years later still getting the flu shot every year to keep him safe. Never mind he's six feet tall, healthy and fit, might not need my protection from anything but he'll always have it! With comfort and warmth in mind, I wore a super soft J. Jill cotton dress with fleece tights and my new favorite tan suede boots along with the tigers eye necklace I've worn since buying it! Fleece tights??? Yes, they are every bit as fantastic and warm as you might think. I picked up a two pack from Job Lot and will be wearing them all winter. Thinking back to all the dresses I've worn over the past one hundred days I have decided to go through them and select a bunch for donation. After a great deal of thought I chose Dress for Success as the charity to receive the dresses I'm willing to part with. Hopefully my dresses can give someone a leg up in the work force. After all, you only get one chance to make a first impression! I'm sure my jam packed closet will be happy for a bit of extra space. Onward to the next one hundred?!?!