Day 103 Aren't you a critic!
It took over a hundred days but here I am in an Old Navy dress. It's actually a cute little dress with a fun print and looked nice with black boots. Shopping at Old Navy is a struggle, some of their clothing is so cheaply made its disposable after one season, and we know I like to hang on to things! I suppose since they cater to the hippest new trends in fashion, the clothes don't need to get more than a seasons wear. Now and again you can find something that lasts a shockingly long time and get years of wear out of it, but it's a rare find. At least the clothing in inexpensive so if you need the latest trend in hipster fashion or your shopping for children, it's a good place to shop. We didn't have stores like that growing up so we had to create our own style. We had The Weathervane in our local mall when I was in Jr. high school and I vividly remember wanting a $58 blazer so badly I put it on layaway and paid $6 a week until it was mine. It took me so long to pay that off it was almost out of fashion by the time I owned it. Maybe that's where I became a clothes hoarder, I worked so hard for that blazer I was determined to cherish it forever! Well, you'll be happy to know, I don't still have it, but loved the Weathervane and learned a valuable lesson in delayed gratification. Our little mall was the only place to shop growing up. We had Cherry & Web, for grown ups, Donnellys for men and Weathervane for teens. If you were a local you shopped at Kenyons department store but that was for old ladies. Lastly, we also had Spectrum India for hippies. Those five stores were it! You can imagine how painful it was to shop, slim pickings for sure. Once in a while we traveled the forty five minutes to the big mall where we could shop Jordan Marsh, but that was only once or twice a year and was like entering Disney Land for a fashionista. I realize I sound 105 years old telling tales about back in the day and our shopping struggles but the struggles were real. One thing for sure is that you can't buy style, that comes from within and it can't be faked or bought. You can buy the latest fashion but if you're trying to keep up with trends you'll just look like everyone else, better to pave your own way have your own style and stand out in your own vibe. I guess that's my issue with old navy, the mass produced fashion that is only a cheap imitation of style. Ouch!
Worked hard at Mammoth Mart department store so I could buy my Levi corduroys from Spectrum India! Db
ReplyDeleteLoved Weathervane😘❤️🥰T