Day 105 Shower Curtains


On such a cold, windy day I was happy to be home and didn't travel far from the warmth of my stove. The wind was brutal as it carried the coldest temps we've seen all year. I only ventured outside to put up a wind barrier for my chickens. I bought clear shower curtains from the Dollar Tree and hung them over the wire to break the wind, totally bootleg, however, worked like a charm. I know they are birds and can handle the weather, none the less, I'm sure they were happier without the harsh, cold wind on them. I took care of all my chicken chores prior to putting on my fancy Max Studio wrap dress and black boots. I've had this dress for at least fifteen years and it is still going strong. It shows a bit more cleavage than I'm usually comfortable with, but what the heck, it was a home day so only my chickens, cat and a friend that stopped by saw me. Even with the cold temps, I was thrilled to have are legs after my tights fiasco. Not sure if you can see my beautiful necklace? I bought it at a craft show a week or two ago, it's a stunning piece made by Christy Balch Designs,  Her Etsy shop is worth a look, she makes beautiful stained glass pieces as well as amazing jewelry. With Christmas fast approaching, I better check out that shop and a few more myself!! Looks like a cold week ahead, wish I could stay home next to my stove yet, I'll be bundling up and rolling along, might even try another pair of tights.  


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