Day 111 CCMS


Almost ten years ago I started a foundation to help pay for kids to participate in activities they love. Over the years the foundation has paid for countless sports, camps, lessons and has purchased books, athletic gear and musical instruments. Myself and my board have all volunteered our time with the organization, the hours have been long but rewarding. Last night we held our final fundraising event and announced that after much consideration we will be dissolving the foundation and donating the remaining money to our local middle school PTO. The middle school will be closing this year and the PTO is working to raise enough money to take the entire school on one last big field trip. This school was formerly our Jr. High school and happens to be the school my dad was principal of for twenty eight years. I was pleased to present the president of the PTO a check for $10,000 with the understanding that another check will be given once the foundations closing details are in order. I felt my dad smiling down on us as we gave the money to help the kids in his old school, so many of these kids I've watched grow up!! The fabulous photo is of me and my beautiful daughter. She is as amazing as she is gorgeous. No matter what crazy ideas I have she's always willing to go along with me and help....and I do have crazy ideas!! She has been instrumental in the foundations success, working along side me through the years. She has a keen eye for fashion, and always looks great, although not as flashy as she could be. She openly laughs at the outfits I choose, you can imagine the giggles when she saw my sequin dress with white go go boots! Even if she laughs, I know she admires my confidence and style, as much as I admire hers. We had a fun night dancing and felt at peace with our decision to formally close a chapter of our lives. Knowing hundreds of children will have a trip they will remember for a lifetime has made it all worth while. 


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