Day 113 Holiday Cheer


Just another Job Lot dress, remember when I wrote about buying a bunch of them several years ago?? Every time I look through my closet I see a few more of these fun dresses. They were such a great deal at $10 per dress, I'm thankful for the earlier me that couldn't resist picking up a bevy of them. Job lot is one of those stores you go in for one thing and come out with a dozen random items. I offered up my crafting skills to make centerpieces for a holiday party and will be heading to job lot for a few crafting items... we'll see what I come out with!! I'm happy to go through my vases and put them to good use for the centerpieces, excited to give a dozen away. No need to fear, for every vase you give, at least two come back! I had a fantastic dinner at Mariner Grille, with my son and Tim, after such a busy weekend it was nice to be waited on and have a moment to relax. I enjoyed seeing all the Christmas lights and decorations throughout town and can't wait to see my house transformed for the holiday. Hopefully I'll get to taking down all my fall decorations today, eager to replace everything with sparkly Christmas cheer. I love the  solar Christmas lights, a game changer for decorating, thankful not to be bogged down with extension cords or on/off timers, they make life so much easier. There never seems to be enough time to make it all happen, but I'll give it my best efforts! Holiday Cheer on the way!! 


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