Day 85 Throwback


My lazy lounge day turned into a full on sick day. For the first time since starting my blog I didn't get dressed at all, so here's a throwback dress picture. Since it was Halloween I figured I'd go with the spooky theme and show off my witch costume. It's a fantastic dress I bought years ago along with a queen costume. I found them at Marshalls and paid $15 for each of them, love the clearance rack. I have worn them each multiple times and love how easy yet fancy they look. Having a trunk full of great costumes makes life much easier whenever a pop up costume party arises. When you see something during the year that might be fun, buy it and throw it into the trunk,  a wig, a crazy shirt, costumes are so fun. As for my sick day, I can't remember the last time I called out, I'm not one for accepting when I don't feel well and usually resist the down time. Covid has changed the way we respond to sore throats, headaches and all basic illnesses. I shouldn't complain about the new standard to stay home for a couple days until testing negative, no doubt keeps even mild cold germs home. Is there such a thing as regular sick anymore? How much rest can one person take?? 


  1. Hope you feel better soon😘 let me know if you need anything ❤️😘T


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