Day 91 Block Island


What a fantastic day on Block Island! I'm still a bit in shock that Tim skipped watching football to join me and my son and his girlfriend also opted in for the day. We had the best time walking around the island and visiting incredible sites. One of my favorite, must see, places on the island are Mohegan Bluffs. These 200 foot bluffs were named after the Native American Battle where 40 Mohegans that were sent over the bluffs to their deaths after trying to take over the Manisseans, the local BI tribe. Beautiful cliffs with such brutal history, certainly a must see if you're in RI. The weather was incredibly warm and people were sunbathing and enjoying the November coast as if it were August. My outfit for the day began with my shoes, knowing I'd be walking all day I chose cute Ed Hardy sneakers that I've had for probably 20 years, remember Ed Hardy?!? I wore a basic olive colored, cotton, Banana Republic, T-Shirt dress and tan cotton Quicksilver jacket for a casual, comfortable hip outfit. I even wore my Ed Hardy dog tag necklace bringing out all my old school favorites and feeling retro trendy.  If you're wondering who the fabulous young people are in my photo, they are a group of German exchange students that we met at the bluffs. They are here attending URI for the year and trying to experience and explore as much as possible during their time. I have great admiration for anyone that can go out on their own to live so far from home, especially with all foreign customs, foods and language! As I told them about fun places to go and foods to try I was reminded how much I love where I live, not that I needed reminding. I want to take them out soon for clam cakes and chowder, they had never heard of either and had to google them. Of course we exchanged phone numbers and are already planning a day of shopping. My son laughed as we planned our outings, not at all surprised by my outgoing nature and eagerness to embrace new friendships. How the heck did I ever manage to raise an introvert? We caught the last ferry back and were home by 7:00. Plenty of time for Tim to watch the football game he had recorded, although he had already heard who won. I couldn't have asked for a better day, nicer weather or fantastic company and look forward to life's next adventure and all the new friendships that await me. 


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