Day 96 Ship Shape
Loving my red Tahari jacket! I had thrown on a basic black wrap dress with black boots, a fine outfit but not very exiting...until I put my stunning red jacket on. Red is a fabulous color for a jacket, dress or really any item of clothing, if you enjoy shamelessly standing out as much as I do. You can even see my amazing new Tigers Eye necklace that I bragged about yesterday. After cleaning and organizing all day my body ached from running up and down stairs and lugging things around. My house has three stories and it seems whatever is in the basement needs to go all the way upstairs and vice versa. I need a stair tracker to count how many trips I make because it has to be in the hundreds! I'm happy to report my house is almost back to ship shape order and will be ready for my girls night on Thursday and for the upcoming holidays. Tim didn't enjoy the list of chores I wanted him to accomplish and after taking care of a few tasks he left the rest for another day. Little does he know he's only adding to my new daily list for him. All kidding aside, he's a good sport and tries to comply with at least a quarter of my requests. After a great home cooked meal we went to the Bowling Alley for a drink and oh boy, was it hopping! I love seeing so many friendly familiar faces and chatting with everyone. Tim and I really need to make a date to bowl instead of just socializing but both are fun, although I'm better at chit chat than I am at bowling. Maybe we can bring our grandsons when they visit for thanksgiving, I'm not sure they have tried it yet and would love it. I've talked about my love for the bowling alley before so I won't bore you again with the historic details again however, it always makes my soul smile and heart happy. I typically am busy with community events on Veterans Day but this year I wished my son a Happy Veterans Day and stayed home, also thanking myself for all the years of stress and worry I went through, and took a well deserved day off.