130 Who's that Gal?
Christmas cheer, enjoying a visit with my step mom. She stopped over to exchange gifts and visit with my son while he is home. Yes, she's beautiful and yes, she's about the same age as me.... my dad certainly had it going on and scored big time when they met. Fortunately, he lived long enough to enjoy twenty three years of wedded bliss with this beautiful lady. I am blessed to have bonded with her and established a friendship hat will last a lifetime. We enjoyed chatting and telling stories, although, we always end up reminiscing about my dad. Thinking of him fills us with happiness but also the pain of his loss is felt profoundly. I showed off my green print dress that I admittedly, only wore since I was staying home, it's a bit short and not the most flattering, another dress for the give away pile! When my stepmom said she loved the red dress I wore a few weeks ago we went straight up to my dress room to find her one! I was thrilled to find a red dress similar to the one I wore, it will look great on her and lord knows I don't need a half dozen red dresses of similar style. Why so many red dresses? I have collected them over the years for Christmas, Valentines day and the overall fabulousness of standing out in a bright red dress!! If you don't own one, you should, maybe not a half dozen, but you need one. What I have needed dozens of are eggs, with my son home my chickens can't keep up!! I had to buy my first dozen eggs in years and holy cow were they pricey, since when do a dozen eggs cost $5?? I'll be treating my girls to a nice warm breakfast and thanking them for giving me a few eggs each day, even through the cold months. Even chickens enjoy a bit of Christmas cheer!!
I Love You❤️😘🥰T