137 Glitter Boots


If you think shoes don't matter you need to check out my new boots! The five year old inside me couldn't resist buying these gold glitter boots, the 57 year old me rejoiced in her decision. I can't wait to see their effect on other outfits throughout the year. The gold glitter boots gave my 100% cotton, Lands End, red dress a festive look. The fabulous green flowered Kate Spade necklace didn't hurt either. I may have looked party ready but changed into plaid flannel pajamas the minute I got home, cold, rainy nights call for flannel. I made a delicious dinner, feeling like an exceptional wife, but forgetting Tim had a holiday party at work and would have already eaten. Being an outstanding husband, he pretended to still be hungry and ate a plate of food anyway. Tim never got to see my fancy new boots since I was already head to toe in flannel when he got home, no doubt, every mans dream. I can't wait to wear my fancy boots again, love it when I let my inner child go wild shopping! 


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