140 Christmas Day


I see your ugly sweaters and raise you a Christmas sweater dress. Although there's nothing ugly about this dress, it's 100% Christmas magic! I had so much fun putting together this holiday outfit and couldn't wait for Tim to see it. His expression didn't disappoint, he walked into the room, not even looking at me, went about his business, When he finally looked up at me, wide eyed with an audible gasp, said, "Oh, Wow". Was it too much? Absolutely but sometimes too much is just enough. Tim stayed in his pj's all day and we both enjoyed a quiet day of relaxation, snack foods and holiday cheer. We exchanged gifts, FaceTimed with our kids and by the time we sat down to watch a movie it was late afternoon. One of my favorite gifts was a book, the RI 39 club. Each page has a short history of each of the 39 towns in RI and the quest is, dine out in each town, don't mind if I do!  Thankfully, RI is small enough to accomplish this and we can't wait! You have a check list, so you write the date and restaurant for each visit, once you complete the list there's a 39 club dinner and you get a RI patch! I'm known for my love of RI and can't wait to explore every single town in my little state and learn a bit of history for each location. Tim already suggested we cheat and write in the locations we've already been to, not a chance! I am excited for the adventures ahead, exploring and sharing the dining excursions with my love. We enjoyed our quiet holiday together and appreciate how blessed we are to have each other. We are lucky to not only be husband and wife but best friends, that's the greatest gift of all! 


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