Day 118 'Tis the Season


Christmas cheer and holiday parties, don't you just love this season? This photo is of me and my fabulous sister in law at the family Christmas party. Poor Tim couldn't attend, still home with COVID, however my son joined me as a stand in, even participating in the yankee swap. Tim's sister is the only girl in the family of seven siblings and is absolutely the glue that holds them all together. She organizes gatherings and keeps all the boys in line, not an easy task. The boys all admire and respect her, they might even be afraid of her, but whatever keeps them in line. The yankee swap is always a bit hit, this year I ended up with a couple nice bottles of wine and cocktail napkins, perfect! I loved bringing out one of my many red dresses for the party and paired it with red heals for a stunning monochrome outfit. Wearing one color allows the focus to be on accessories, a fabulous large pearl bauble necklace and  Badgley Mischka pearl bracelet were the highlights for this holiday outfit. The red dress is from Amazon, it comes in a variety of colors and is only $36.99! I could seriously have this dress in every color.  I love the length, the 3/4 bell sleeves and the fabulous fit all while being the perfect shade of red. It can easily be dressed up or down depending on accessories and of course shoes.... I might have just talked myself into buying it in another color!! Tim was happy to see me return home with  a plate of leftovers and I dare say might have even missed me. I had also gathered up any food that was to be thrown away and will have very happy chickens this morning! Hopefully my sister in law can sit back and relax today, knowing she put together yet another successful family gathering and her hard work was appreciated.


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