Day 122 70's Vibe


Feeling festive in a red dress T-shirt dress and my new green plaid blazer. I found this blazer while thrift shopping and couldn't resist. It reminded me of the blazers we all loved so much in the 70's, totally worth the $2 I paid for it!! Happy I hadn't put all my cotton dresses away for the winter I pulled out this red Karen Scott, sheath dress that worked perfectly with the blazer. I felt like Julie from the Mod Squad. I  loved the vibe so much I dug deep into my jewelry to find my old mood ring and monogrammed gold stick pin, original pieces I've kept since Jr. High school. Remember how popular the stick pins were?? We were so cool with our sporty blazers and fancy stick pins. We cherished the few special items of jewelry we had, and apparently I still do!! If you don't know what I'm talking about, you're clearly of a younger generation and will never understand how idolized Julie was or how rare it was to have a few pieces of jewelry. Today, everything is in abundance and disposable,  it's doubtful much is saved for or cherished the same way. That's my old lady rant for the morning, embracing that old grandmother vibe! I hope you've enjoyed my stroll down memory lane, or your new quest to find out who the heck Julie was and what does a stick pin look like. My mood ring was blue all day, as if I didn't know, all was well. All this because of a $2 thrift store blazer... see why I love thrift shopping so much!?!?


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